Over 4200 Pageviews in the First Month!

When I first started this blog a month ago, my primary goal was just to exercise my writing skills by writing about the stuff I like. I really wasn’t too concerned about drawing traffic to my blog. I just wanted to write good articles that people might enjoy.

Thirty days later and I’m blown away by the success of my blog. I’ve published just five articles drawing in over 1,500 visitors who logged over 4,200 pageviews. What this tells me is that 1) I am promoting my articles to the right audience, and 2) you enjoy reading my articles. That is my most important metric… that you enjoy reading my articles. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog! I truly feel privileged to have you here.

It’s going to be tough topping last month’s stats. I am going to have to continue writing interesting articles and probably publish more of them. But I am excited for the challenge and look forward to it.

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